A former poster named Tom Talley posted this thread in December 2002, http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/43241/1.ashx. His own posts have since been removed for whatever reason, however the impact of the comments made in that thread stay with me to this day. He included a link http://www.frugalsites.net/911/attack/ that I have saved, but I still have a difficult time listening to it. It is an emotional tribute to those who suffered so horribly on that day, but it reminds me first of the mindless purpose of this tradedy and second of how quickly the JWs will jump on the bandwagon as the heros in situations such as this....heros in that they (JWs) were "johnny-on-the-spot" in providing the ever-needed spiritual help in such times of need. Big Deal !!!
My comments then in that thread are still formost in my mind whenever I think of this horrible day"
"Thousands of fleeing victims crossed (the bridge) seeking safe ground and aid from the effects of the WTC attacks. What did the WTS do to offer Christ-like aid to these ones in need? Being located at the end of the (bridge) in an obvious location to offer aid, what did they do? Did they open their doors and offer comfort, safety, medical aid, a shoulder to lean on, arms to encircle them offering security, refreshment for those parched by the dust, those in shock, those paralyzed by fear?
NO! They LOCKED the doors and guarded them and ordered the workers back to work in the WTS buildings. They screened those seeking shelter by asking them questions only an active JW would know. These details have been corroborated by others who were there.
Click onto this website - http://www.frugalsites.net/911/attack/ - and watch the chilling pictures .... listen to the screams of people. Then tell me again (you JW's), with your tears of pride, what a wonderful job this "loving" organization did to follow the example of Jesus, in helping those in need."
The visual images and sounds in the link to that tape, highlight and emphasize the reality of this horrific tragedy.
Yet there are so many other horrible events in the world that have taken place in the past centuries some of which have been listed already in this current thread. How do we equate one as worse than another?
Over the past centuries, human life held no value as total villages were attacked by neighbouring tribes or countries and were destroyed, pillaged, women raped and/or murdered along with children, young men, old people, etc. including all the many other events stated in this thread which are a travesty to human justice and compassion.
Is it worse now? or do JWs ignore the past centuries and only focus on recent tragedies to finger-point to the "signs of the end" as near?
"Re-visiting this horror" only opens up the these questions once again to me as well as forcing me to face the realty of man's capacity to inflict harm and brutality upon each other.
Had Enough